By scooter922 - 15/07/2012 07:45 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I got home from the hospital after I burned my hand. Why? I dropped my phone in the pot while stirring hot soup, and I reached in to get it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 216
You deserved it 39 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_SkyCantLimit 5

Every doctor in that hospital: *Face palm*

"k" This is the text message I received that caused the accident that burned my hand for the rest of the week. Sounds like the makings of a no cooking and texting commercial ad


How else was OP supposed to call an ambulance?

flutter4 7

Why didn't you dig it out with the spoon you were stirring the soup with?

I wonder what the doctors tried to cure first... Your stupidity or hand?!

KiddNYC1O 20

Should've called Superman.

jayfreeman80 0

WOW OP! Burning your hand and needing hospital treatment, attending a big family dinner & being approached by a cousin who had zapped his dick with a bug zapper - you are one busy guy!! Amazing you have time to post here!! You are amazing!!! I am shocked at your bad luck LMFAO. YDI

Usually I'd say that that's a habit... but idk about this one heh heh... Cuz when I dropped my phone in the toilet, I actually thought about grabbing it or not for a moment

Dude have those new AT&T commercials taught you nothing? LOL

bestdancer360 6

My sis has done the same thing.