By scooter922 - 15/07/2012 07:45 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I got home from the hospital after I burned my hand. Why? I dropped my phone in the pot while stirring hot soup, and I reached in to get it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 216
You deserved it 39 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_SkyCantLimit 5

Every doctor in that hospital: *Face palm*

"k" This is the text message I received that caused the accident that burned my hand for the rest of the week. Sounds like the makings of a no cooking and texting commercial ad


AClassActx3 7

Everyone saying YDI is gonna have a fml moment

Hahahaha dumb. She held it over a hot pot of soup... That just sounds stupid. Why was it not to the side or on the counter. She totally deserved it.

Hey it coulda been worse. Coulda been a toilet full of poop!!!

How would that be worse? The worst thing that happens in your scenario is OP has dirty hands and has to wash them.

Inediblepeaches 15

Ask him if there are any pills to cure stupidity.

Did the same thing.., but I was 15 working fastfood and an apple pie fell out of my tongs.

look on d bright side, you can give a Hot review of ur cell n ur dish..mmmm

tctheamazing 7

What are you trying to say??

That's dedication to your texting addiction. New level of fail. Feel better though!

tsk14 9

Please don't tell me it was an iPhone

perdix 29

If it is, we'll be forming a support group to mourn the loss.

Automatic responses can suuuuuck bigtime!

If you were stirring it, why didn't you use the ladle to pick it up?

OP thought something in the pot was ringing. An empathetic ring finger sprung into immediate action.

I know a girl who did the exact same thing but with hot frying oil... At mcdonalds ouch