This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By StanleyYelnats - 23/03/2016 01:09 - United States - Exeter

Today, I got called to the office. Kids were yelling things like, "You're in trouble, the cops are here for you!" which I shrugged off, since I have a boring, law-abiding life. Turns out they were right. I'm waiting for my mom to drive me to the station, and I still don't know what they think I did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 240
You deserved it 211

Top comments

Well based on your username, it's obvious you stole some athlete's donated shoes. Expect to dig some holes.


Well based on your username, it's obvious you stole some athlete's donated shoes. Expect to dig some holes.

Aurorial 6

Maybe you'll find treasure while digging.

I love how you got this reference #2, best book ever

O_B_A_M_A 15

I remember reading "Holes" in 6th grade

It's not you, it's your no-good dirty rotten pig stealing great great grandfather's fault!

Best of luck OP, hopefully the police realise its a mistaken identification once you arrive!

Having a boring life is a crime? Sorry to hear about it OP! Hopefully they have the wrong person.

This needs an update! They should tell you what you've done that deserves being taken down to the station.

This is hilarious. I hope everything turns out okay, though!