By nolove4me - 29/06/2011 20:41 - United States

Today, I got asked on a date. I was later told we had to cancel. Why? My ex is parked in front of his house and he is afraid to leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 843
You deserved it 3 968

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XxbubblegumkizxX 8


Should've gone round to his house ;)

LoserxRock17 0

damnnnn he must still loves youu

YES SCORE ONE FOR ALASKA! I cant wait to go to anchorage!

what a stupid deush bag I'd walk out with a ****** glock and tell him he best leave

well, I have a psycho ex boyfriend too, so I know how it is... it's almost impossible to get a different boyfriend without him figuring out right?? or go on a date or anything... so I know how you feel and I agree it sucks

Goodlife918975 6

tell ur boyfriend to man up and not be pussy I'm kick his ASS

omfgilylolwtfbtw 0
sportygirl8512 0