By shaverguy - 15/06/2009 08:51 - United States

Today, I got an electric shaver hoping that it would reduce the risk of cutting myself than shaving with a manual one. However, I cut myself opening the plastic package with the shaver inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 780
You deserved it 13 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ForWhatItsWorth 0

Outsmarted by an electric shaver ... :/ tsk tsk tsk

amatayo 0

Yeah I guess that sucks but FML this is not. Trying to reduce cuts I bought a new shaver. After I opened it up I covered my face in shaving cream. Not knowing that thats a no no I burned the side of my face when the razor shorted out.


This is some the funniest shit I've heard ahahaha!!!

This is funny and bad, but really not an fml. May I refer you to the site

choppedNskrewed 0

Wow. You cut yourself. It can't have been that much bigger than a paper cut. If it was, that's different, but if not... not an FML. not an FML. not an FML. not an FML. not an FML. not an FML. not an FML.

godyourethick 0

#6, that's not necessarily true: I've used both quite a bit and unless I really need to shave quickly I prefer a wet shave with a manual razor: it's closer and generally more pleasant IMO. Also OP, you must be thick to cut yourself so often with a modern multiblade razor that it becomes a problem.

LRN2SHAVE. Also, #68 is correct. Manual razors are much more pleasant than electric ones. Unless you're like the OP and don't know how to use one properly.

The OP should learn to use scissors as well. Also, this isn't an FML, though it is ironic.

CyclonePsycho 1

Ug, I hate those plastic packages. They're impossible to open. x( #41, calm down. No one forced you to click on the FML and rant. This site isn't even about the big life changing stories; it's about little hilarious things that completely screw your day over. No need to get THAT upset over two sentence. Sheesh.

Blue_Coconuts 7

How often do you cut yourself? I almost never cut myself and I have to use a manual razor since electric ones don't shave good enough.