By SY5623 - 12/08/2015 00:00 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh

Today, I got all excited because I thought my crush was flirting with me, when in actuality she was taking advantage of me liking her so she and her friends could make fun of my speech impediment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 875
You deserved it 1 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude **** her and people like that honestly you can do a lot better than that bitch


That's harsh, I'm sorry OP.. I too know the humiliation of school and colleges but it gets better.

What an asshole. FYL, you can do much better. I hope you're okay!

She's a ****. Forget her. She doesn't deserve your attention.

that's really cruel. you deserve better than her.

Now you know she's a terrible person, and not worth having a crush on

There are some people out there with no heart, she is a jerk and you deserve better!!! When I was a kid a bunch of popular girls pretended to be my friend when they were really making fun of me behind my back. One day you'll be the one on the top of the world and she'll get a fist full of karma!!! Just ignore her for now and remember that there are people out there who want to put you down, don't let them!!!

Wrong on so many levels and basically not cool. Eventually, Karma will reveal its ugly head and that will be a grand day.

That's messed up man, sorry for that :/