By LucidNightmare - 27/01/2013 05:38 - United States - Englewood

Today, I got a text from an unknown number saying, "You shouldn't be eating that." I was eating a piece of chocolate, cheating on my diet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 753
You deserved it 18 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least your stalker is looking out for your health...

You could do so much better, don't cheat on your diet, it's not worth it.


Nothing wrong with cheating on your diet once in a while, just keep it in moderation.

onorexveritas 23

listen to the anonymous texter! they're looking out for you! *I always feel like somebody's watching me!*

Try baking chocolate. It's somewhat healthy, and once u get used to it, its not that bad

perdix 29

You should never give your conscience a cell phone. Back in the day, I gave mine a beeper and the little ****** kept ruining all my fun. Eventually, the batteries ran out and I didn't replace them. Life was good again.

Don't cheat on your diet. I know how hard that is considering I work near free donuts all day. But it's kinda creepy

Lmao your conscience sent you a txt message !! Standard text messaging rates apply.

ulissey_fml 22

Cheating on your diet beats ....dying of your itch, yet.

They do... It's called the Patriot Act!

You do know that eating ONE piece of chocolate isn't that bad, right? Coming from a person who lost 85lbs this past year, I don't even consider that cheating. I can't tell you how many pieces of chocolate I had and still lost weight. "Cheating" is only a problem when you allow that piece of chocolate to completely derail you and you eat ALL the chocolate. And even if you do end up doing that, then just hop back on plan and call it a day. It's not the end of the world, and weight loss isn't about "I can't have that", it's about changing your relationship with food so that you can live a happy, healthy life. Happy, healthy people still eat chocolate, and sometimes they eat too much chocolate, but they don't let it take over their lives and cause them to lose control. However, that being said, if you derail EVERY time you eat chocolate, it might be a good idea to keep it out of sight as much as possible until you've developed a better relationship with food. You can do this; more power to you!

SwtCherryPie 26

Wish I could thumbs up you more. People dont seem to understand that part of dieting.

X_Codes 11

$10 says someone in your household knows how to spoof their phone number and just played an epic prank.