By blacklove - 12/02/2010 20:19 - United States

Today, I got a rose from my boyfriend. The card read, "It's over." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 566
You deserved it 2 709

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Well at least he was nice about it :) But still, FUL

Today, my friend asked me what i got for valentines day, a kiss or a hug or a teddy bear. just before i answered she said wait i forgot your ugly

Maybe it was a romantic gesture and you took it the wrong way. Like "its over between me and that sexy waitress, accept this rose as my apology and get over it".

Maybe he thought you had found out about how hes been cheating on you, so the letter was to let you know he broke off the affair and the rose was an apology. You always have to look on the bright side. :-)

Could have been worse, could have said "It's over, fatty"

All4UandOnlyU 4

Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm still hot, so what the **** happend to you? that is the best break up poem ever. lol