By Severus_Snape_ - 20/09/2015 07:11 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I got a mosquito bite on my wrist. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I am pretty sure mosquito bites are not supposed to start crawling up to your armpit while swelling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 095
You deserved it 1 669

Severus_Snape_ tells us more.

Severus_Snape_ 23

Wow, this is the first time one of my FMLs have been accepted! I googled whatever was happening on my arm, and I think 26 may or may not be right. According to the internet, if should go away in a few days, and it was a spider bite. But ever since I was a kid, I've always attracted some weird bug bites, but this has never happened to me before. Unfortunately, I am the type of person that will twist my wrist and still just say that I'm fine. Like that time where I threw up twice when I was 11 years old and still insisted that I was well enough to go to school, only to be sent back home when I threw up again. I applied some type of cream thing on the bite, and it has gotten better. It'll probably go away in a few days. Hopefully.

Top comments


iShanny 13

This is one of those FMLs that makes me really hope OP follows up.

ourtneyc 14

That sounds like some horror movie shit

**** paraNOID, you should be worried about paraSITE

pharm121 21

Oooh it could be bot fly larvae. Normally found in the tropics they have started migrating north as climate changes cause it to become warmer and warmer.

That to me seems like an allergic reaction...

Goblin182 26

That sounds more like a brown recluse spider.

Perhaps, now is the time to consider naming your arm Migi.

It could possibly be a bottfly which attach their larva to mosquitoes undersides so I want to mosquito bite you don't want to be detected heat source and diss attach from the mosquitoes and bore under your skin