By minecraftwilldie - 02/06/2011 16:52 - United States

Today, I gave my husband an ultimatum: either he could have sex with me or play Minecraft. Needless to say, he spent the rest of the evening playing Minecraft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 183
You deserved it 14 740

Same thing different taste


I've actually chosen minecraft over a handjob once. And before you say that's crazy YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED IT BEFORE. And op don't take it personally ;D

mismonroe 0

You're doing something wrong.

mismonroe 0
sematariux 7

good god minecraft? he couldn't pick Aion or somethin worth missing ass over? jeez

stallion2521 0

wow sex with you must suck...

kyy38 0

you just dont understand... Minecraft is the greatest game EVA!!!!

maybe you should have had sex with him while he was playing the game.

minecraft is amazing. minecraft over sex? yes... zombies cant attack you during sex...

You've obviously never had sex with Michael Jackson.

JasonJ 5

hey im not saying he should have done what he did but u still cant put full blame on him... minecraft is beast :P

He obviously chose the right choice!