By minecraftwilldie - 02/06/2011 16:52 - United States

Today, I gave my husband an ultimatum: either he could have sex with me or play Minecraft. Needless to say, he spent the rest of the evening playing Minecraft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 183
You deserved it 14 740

Same thing different taste


thomas357 0

he was probably like ummm min raft or Se... minecraft it is!! see you in the morning. if you asked then you have never played

well if you wanted sex, then you should of made it a better comparative.

Well All I can say is if my boyfriend decided to give an ultimatum like that, not only would it be for the game, but he would be out, luckily he knows to ask, and even join in, and lead things to sexy time, rather then decide that, since ready know, I must be also

YDI for being an ultimatum giving frigid bitch. I wouldn't have sex with you even if I have nothing to do and was bored to death! Ok well.. I would, but you get my point.

lr4182 0

read "hold me tight" by dr sue Johnson. my therapist is having me read it and it could help.

weallfail 0

sex just doesn't compete :) or you don't....

futuremarine246 0

#4 apperently youve never had sex