By hannaaaahr - 11/01/2012 20:08 - Netherlands

Today, I found out why my room-mates and I have been ill for the past week. Apparently a rodent climbed into our water cooker and died. I have been drinking tea and eating noodles that have been tainted by a corpse all this time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 928
You deserved it 5 526

hannaaaahr tells us more.

Sooooo, this was my FML. Sadly, I didn't taste anything, since I didn't drink the water pure, but always mixed in cup-a-soup or something similar. Luckily me and my roommates are fine now, we're all a bit afraid of preparing food though, scared that there might be some kind of rodent in other kitchen devices. Obviously we threw away the water cooker (for those who didn't know what that is, seriously? you couldn't even think of what it 'might' be?) and since we got our new cat, Sammie, we haven't had any mice or rats crawling around! Yaaaay for Sammie!

Top comments

GoW_Chick 14

That was the rats revenge for you murdering their young in the garbage disposal.


Hastile 4

Hey you should be happy, you have been enjoying Ratatouille for months.

Sparks808 10

Ratatouille is made from veggies, though

beelee1988 13

I'm pretty sure Hastile was referring to the movie. Possibly. But hey if I'm wrong then I'm wrong.

Or it could just be a pun. Rat-atouille. The movie's title is a pun as well, but the comment could have been an independent play on the word.

beelee1988 13

145- I know this.. That's why I mentioned it.

1- your picture has no nose. You're disgusting.

cash_monkey72 9

How 'bout a little rabies with your tea?

quite_bored 9

I'm not sure it can be transmitted that way..

dan13mey 0

That's not nice 16. Apologize.

Liquified ratatouille? Twice the taste and only half the calories ;)

TheCarChanel 0
borkchop1992 15

ill never be able to look at noodles the same way again