By krissy - 20/03/2011 21:40 - United States

Today, I found out that the sleazy guy I met with a few days ago decided to move into my home town to "be closer" to me. I've already told him I'm not interested in him, but he still continues to ask me out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 838
You deserved it 7 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

An aggressive, firm kick in the nuts should most likely get your point across.


calliope908 0

Ugh. This has happened to me. That blows. Seriously, call the cops.

I've had 3 stalkers in the past year and it can turn dangerous fast. I would start writing down every time he talks to you or tries to call you and then contact the police to put a restraining order in place. Stay safe.

shrimpy55 0

he's a cereal killer! you best watch out...

I would be scared if some guy kept trying to contact me and moved closer... :C lol. FYL

Creeper Much... Aha At least He Didnt Come To Your House. (:

警察を呼んで!(Call the police!)