By littledipper - 25/09/2013 03:51 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I found out that the nice guy who comes to my workplace every morning to bring me a smoothie also makes a point of putting his knob in it before giving it to me. Also, all my coworkers knew about this and think it's hilarious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 018
You deserved it 4 635

Same thing different taste


Who told you? Not that the coworkers are just jealous that the guy likes you??? Or do you have another reason why he would bring you a milkshake? or are you being mean to him and this is a revenge?

This is why you dont accept things from ppl who arent the ppl you hangout with!

Lol I'm sorry that happened to you, but every time I have a smoothie from now on, I'll chuckle at the memory of this story

I think this situation is beyond ****** up and you should press charges, but I also have to say your screenname paired with your story is hilarious.

katina1236 20

If he did this and everyone knew and nobody said anything.. you probably deserve it.