By broomrape - 29/04/2009 04:52 - United States

Today, I found out that the horrible stench haunting my apartment for the past week was the decomposing corpse of my freedom loving gerbil underneath the bed that I've been sleeping on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 153
You deserved it 11 677

Same thing different taste


I had pet gerbils when I was a kid. The little bastards are really hard to catch once loose. Rats were a much better rodent pet.

I had a gerbil back in the 2k, he jumped off the balcony, 4th floor...

CPTobvious_fml 0

RIP gerbil.... Cause of death: died while on a daring escape from the clutches of your butt cheeks

Due to the fact that Gerbils have become the 'rodent de jour' of a certain well groomed and easily identifiable group in society, you probably should have edited the rodent identified to read 'sugar glider' or 'small marsupial'....

This same thing happened to me years ago except it was a small blue fresh water lobster that escaped from the fish tank and crawled into the next room and hid behind the book case, the mad thing. Miss you Mr Bluey MacPincherton xx

pancakelover 0

Have the flies arrived yet? We had something dead in the walls of our house last Spring that stunk for weeks. Never found the body and we just had to wait it out. Had to bug-bomb the house to kill the flies that suddenly started appearing in the windows.

I'm still going to point the finger a Richard Gere. /You know what I'm sayin.