By sickandtiredofit - 24/01/2012 19:50 - United States

Today, I found out that my wife has been having an affair with the guy who's been trying to get our relationship back on track. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 284
You deserved it 3 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sooooooo messed up, sorry op, pimp slap that hoe then dump her ass

Well that's ironic.... Almost as mutch as printing flyers for saving trees


Oh that sucks. If my husband did that I'd be furious, heart broken and so upset.

bigmackin35 0

The worst happens to the best my man head up

Ok op im sorry if this sound a little harsh but it seems like u payed this guy to bang it wife and save a relationship thats falling off its tracks, and id your looking for a chance out id say u just got one:-)! Either way sorry op!

This seems to happen A LOT. Maybe it's best not to let a nice, smart, attractive man alone with your wife to "talk about your marriage" went it ain't goin so well...

Sounds like it was inevitable no matter what precautions he took. She is a cheater and an once unhappy spouse... should of acted as a better mate? Just saying!

Not that that would of helped too, but worth a shot in my opinion. Then again, I'm divorced. Lololol