By Pumpkin - 18/07/2009 02:00 - United States

Today, I found out that my son is not really gay. He just told me that so I'd let him have girls in his bedroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 201
You deserved it 102 931

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha, that's a great idea, very original. But seriously, if you were a bit open minded with him you could have avoided this... I'm also kinda wondering just how you found out.


queenrocks10 0

gay is not good why the **** would you want a dick up your ass instead of putting a dick into a pussy seriously

Omg thats awesome XDD #207 Grow up and get the **** out of your skull, dick chin.

I'm allowed to have guys in my room and i'm 14. That doesnt mean we do anything. They're just my guy friends and my parents trust me. I also have a boyfriend of 14 months. So they no i'm not going to cheat on him. I think thats where alot of there trust comes from though. But OP- Thats actually a very clever son of yours ahah. I have one question. How did you find out he wasnt gay!?

notlovingit 0

no offense but can you wait till you're older? you're 14 - you're a KID what is the world coming to...

Im 13 and I have a girlfriend and not those shitty middleschool fake relationships

uhh.. #223 she never said she was having sex with him..

Funny, I think someone in a previous fml commented about an idea like this.

First of have to admit that your son, while sneaky, is clever for the lie. Second, I'm not sure how old your son is, but if he wants to do something with a girl, he's going to find a way to do it, whether it's in his room or not. Maybe let him have girls in his room as long as he keeps the door open or something. *shrug* Not trusting them and forbidding them from doing things only makes them want to do it more. Most times. Third, YDI for believing the lie. I would hope that you would know your son well enough to know when he is lying.

Smart little bastard. That kid is truly awesome.

Cliff123454321 0

Wow that kids a real ******* visionary for kids are age

notlovingit 0

HA if you let him have girls maybe he wouldnt have to lie to u - dumbass

Ashter 20

I wish I had thought of that...seriously that kid of yours is a living legend.

Just saying... I'm gay and I know nothing about fashion and am really not effeminate at all most of the time