By Ouch - 12/08/2009 23:36 - United States

Today, I found out that doctors can be wrong. Pink clothes, pink stroller, pink bottles, pink bibs, pink cribs and pink bedding to go with my baby that recently came out with a little pink penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 743
You deserved it 22 633

Same thing different taste

Top comments

valuemeal2 1

That happened to my mom, everyone thought I would be a boy but nope! Next time, decorate in yellow.

Well... you can save it for another time if you do happen to have a girl. :) Congrats! I love baby boys!!


Hermyoni 0

That is why you stick to gender neutral colors and themes for the most part. Unless of course * like with my daughter* the baby gives a really nice crotch shot where you can tell for certain it's a V not a P.

This is why you buy violet, yellow, and green clothing.

ultraslick 0

YDI, you were having a baby girl, not a baby cartoon character. Really? Pink everything, could you be less original?

There are a lot of dumbasses on this FML. I'm gonna clear some stuff up. 1. It's not sexist. 2. They didn't buy the pink stuff because they thought that their baby girl would like it. 3. It isn't a YDI because they believed the doctors and bought stuff before the baby was born. Almost every couple that is having their first kid will spend a ton of time setting everything up just perfect for their baby to come home to. 4. They aren't ungrateful of their child, nor do they hate it because it's a boy.

YDI for buying a shitload of pink stuff before the baby was even born. You also deserve it for the whole "OOOH GIRLY GIRLY IT'S A GIRL SO WE'RE REQUIRED TO BUY PINK!"

I hope you don't make your daughter self-conscious about her huge ********! Otherwise, congrats on the new baby girl!

ballplayer32 1

bahahahaha little pink penis lol

This happened at the hospital where my sister was born. They no longer told you the sex of the baby because they god sued because of idiots like you buying stuff in specific 'gender' colours. Red? Purple? Orange? Green? BLUE is even more gender neutral than pink. YELLOW! Yellow is a nice baby colour

boy=blue, girl=pink. Sexist I see, YDI.