By Anonymous - 12/03/2010 17:24 - United States

Today, I found out that after reuniting with an old boyfriend, getting close with his two year old son, and moving closer to him to properly be a part of their lives, he got back together with his ex wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 392
You deserved it 6 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that does suck, but if you care for his kid then just think that its better for the kid that his parents are together. And didn't you kind of see it coming? How long were they apart for?


Sucks for you OP, but probably better for the kid, unless of course she turns out to be a horrible mother

did you throw away your stepson's baby blanket?

tugknife 0

FYL he probally just wanted you to babysit.

kick that douche's ******* ass and steal the kid

loski87 4

ha @ 61. and why is everyone assuming that the ex wife was the sons mother?

you can either A. become the babysitter, sleep with your ex and blow up his spot to his ex so they will break up again and you can win. or B. move back to your town and GET OVER IT.

heypeoplezzz 0

So what? You live in Florida!

tweetbaby14 18

why do people act like going away and moving on are that hard to do? unless he had the 2 year old by you he doesn't like you like that duh

ok? you're just a girlfriend. she was his WIFE and the mother of his kid. if you really got close to them, you wouldn't be just thinking about your life. getting back with his wife is probably best for the kid. think about it.

xoconnie 8