By poops - 27/01/2010 03:14 - United States

Today, I found out my girlfriend and her best friend compare the dumps they take to common transportation. They comment about it on each others facebook page. My girlfriend's last one was apparently a 'coach bus'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 068
You deserved it 3 753

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So your gf has a sense of humour? Oh you poor thing your life is ruined. Come on this isn't an fml. :)


tweetbaby14 18

this one kinda reminds me of that south park episode where that one kids dad took a giant poop.

Pearljammer001 0

that shit was a big mac ass mother ******:)

I don't see how this is an fml unless you just now learned that girls poop. Why is it okay for guys to joke about the big dumps they take, but when a girl does it, it's automatically gross? Jesus, let us have some fun for once. Double standards are depressing and it's not as if there aren't enough of them permeating our culture already.

Everyone Talks, Everyone Dumpd. Sometimes they talk about dumping. F Y L ... THAT JUST SUCKS TOO MUCH !!!

lickmyjock 0

I want to see the unicyle come out

Mate, I'd be well chuffed if my gf compared her dumps to vehicles. That's funny as hell. Besides it's not like she does it with you, stop being so nosy (=

So? Everyone poops. Or didn't you read the book?

sarcdude 3

Well so much for that chick naming her bowel movements being the only one in the world...

did u know rich people n celebrities don't take ***** i bet you didn't know that