By colorblind - 05/07/2009 21:49 - United States

Today, I found one of those online color blindness tests where you have to distinguish a colored number from the pattern. Not being able to, I spent hundreds of dollars on medical tests to discover that the pattern online was a joke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 456
You deserved it 71 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didn't you just get a friend to take the test as well? YDI

Wow. You're ****** dumb. Wanna buy a bridge?


go_rangers 0

Supposed to be a reply to someone else. Whoops.

Stephai 0

YDI all you had to do was go to an eye doctor. They give you pictures and REAL color blind tests that only take 30 seconds.

wow so based on something you saw online you spent hundreds of dollars? still looking for bigfoot?

she saw the test TODAY, so spent hundreds of dollars on tests TODAY, Sunday? c'mon guys. this is obviously fake..

FML requires you start an entry with "Today" and end it with "FML". So "Today" is probably not used literally here.

kateisbored 0

The fact that you would spend so much money on something that didn't even matter. So what if you are colorblind? obviously it hasn't affected your life in any negative way until now. Idiot. And now the internet is convincing you that you have a problem. Loser.

jewelzgalore 0

What assholes. I hate online.

don't trust stuff like that online. get new doctors, too. what kind of doctors make you do multiple tests like that for something that could be done for free?

You didn't spend hundreds of dollars to figure out that it was fake. You spent a few benjamins and then found out it was fake. No connection what so ever. YDI.