By colorblind - 05/07/2009 21:49 - United States

Today, I found one of those online color blindness tests where you have to distinguish a colored number from the pattern. Not being able to, I spent hundreds of dollars on medical tests to discover that the pattern online was a joke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 455
You deserved it 71 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didn't you just get a friend to take the test as well? YDI

Wow. You're ****** dumb. Wanna buy a bridge?


alex_vik 0

I wish had that kind of money to throw around.

It says your a woman on here. Women don't develop color blindness, its only men.

Wrong-o. 5-8% of men are colorblind, 0.4% of females are. Males are more likely to have it because they only have one X chromosome to be affected. Females must have BOTH affected, or they can not be colorblind. It is rarer for females to be CB, but it is not impossible.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, an intelligent answer!! Someone was paying attention in genetics!

mstgirl Actully women do and can develop color blindness, if you payed attention in biology class you would know that next time open the book

Well, the textbooks and teacher may be right, you were just TOO ******* STUPID to learn anything from them. It is an X linked recessive trait, making it (chance of 1 x chromosome having it) squared that a woman would have it.

jendmurray5 0

You know, you can reply to comments…

Ahaha, it was that one where if you can't see it you're gay, right? Right? I'm right aren't I. You freaked out because thought you were gay so you got your eyes checked out. Sucker.

Xeciaris 0

Well you kind of deserve it kind of. Don't worry and account yourself lucky cuz i can't see the color red or green and I always fail at those kind of tests. And talk about driving lol.

go_rangers 0

My mom is colorblind. She's also a woman.

there are ways to have this done for free...