By J.D. - 01/12/2013 12:43 - Australia - Exeter

Today, I found on Facebook that my best friend of 10 years is getting married next week. I'm guessing my invite got lost in the mail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 230
You deserved it 3 550

Top comments

jonnied23 20

Probably, we all know how unreliable the postal system can be.

andits 21

That sucks. Maybe time for a new best friend?


My best friend wasn't in mine. I kept it small. The only person in mine was my sister. Though I did invite my best friend. My sister did the same with me. Not everyone has a huge wedding party.

Well you know can now show up...

10 years and you wasn't asked to be in the bridal party? Did y'all not talk about wedding stuff? Maybe she is your best friend but you're not her best friend; it can happen. I hope it was an mail error & you get to go.

Probably a mistake talk to them about it:)

jaredofmo 22

Something like that happened to me once. I was at a weekly group meeting, and my third week, one regular mentioned that he'd gotten married over the weekend. "I didn't even know you were engaged," I said. "You got married and didn't tell your friends?" "Oh, I told my friends," he replied. I high-fived him for best diss ever.

Quiet_one 22

If this person was really your "best friend" you would have known about it even before the invites were sent out. This is a clear case of one side seriously misjudging the closeness of a relationship.

I think you're hoping more than guessing, OP.

sarahbevan20 11

It is possible that it got lost in the mail. But if she really wanted you to be there and you didnt send an RSVP, she should've texted/called/messaged you to make sure you were coming. Looks like shes not your best friend anymore!

My bestfriends married each other and then called me to tell me...

Honestly, weddings take a while to plan, and if you weren't aware that your best friend was getting married in the first place, I honestly don't think that you were that close to begin with. My best friend and I always know what's going on with each other, and a major life change would definitely be something that we would be aware of.