By Anonymous - 17/11/2013 19:11 - United States - Ontario

Today, I found myself admiring my eyelids for being the only parts of my face not covered in acne. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 422
You deserved it 4 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bobo_the_bear 5

Been there. Acne is one of the few drawbacks to being young.

#2 Cure? Are you severely incapable of common sense?


Aw I feel ya OP, I had terrible acne as a tween. /: just wash your face 3 times a day, drink lots of water, and eat healthy.

piggle 9

3 times a day is way too much and will likely only irritate your skin and make it worse

I had nasty acne from about age 13 until 25. What I learned to do was wash my naturally oily face often, use a good non-cream, non-perfumed soap, and use an astringent wipe. Those steps tended to keep the pores clear. One of the most important things I had to learn was to keep my hands off my face. I'd touch my face while smoking - I had to learn to not touch my chin or cheek. I'd rest my head on my hand while working in class, reading or doing homework - I had to learn to hold my head up with my neck. I developed hand washing habits that verged on OCD. Those things kept most of the plugged pores that still happened from getting infected. I saw doctors to be sure my acne was just the ordinary variety that plague most teenagers. In the mean time, I had to learn to not pick and not pop so the blackheads and pimples that did develop did not scar me for life. Then it was a matter of waiting until I grew out of it.

I was the same, had bad acne for aver a decade! It's so difficult to get out of the habit of touching your face but it helps so much! I found that changing my pill helped, and your skin loves routine and moisturiser!

I'm sorry! I had it on my nose and forehead! you'll get through it and realize in a few years, who really gives a shit about acne? it will probably die down or go away, but keep your head up. youth isn't really as long as it feels

grashopper8 7

xxxxoooo I know how you feel.

Your soul is acne free! Just hang in there. It will get better.

I'm sorry OP! I hope it's just little skin colored acne bumps and not the painful deep cysts I still get at 26. Acne of any kind really sucks no matter your age.

JMichael 25

Be patient OP. It'll go away. I battled it throughout High school and heard all the jokes about it. My face is clear now and I feel better about myself.

Do Accutane. The time you are on it is awful, but the results are great!

You aren't alone OP. I'm 22 and I thought they'd be gone by now, but I remain the one with terrible skin.

I'm 33 and still have horrific skin, so don't feel so bad.