By Anonymous - 13/11/2012 23:17 - United States - Killington

Today, I found a wounded turkey in our backyard. I brought it inside, put it in a cage, and tended to its wounds. I then left. When I got back home, I smelled the wonderful aroma of my mother's cooking. She had prepared a turkey, the one I'd rescued. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 888
You deserved it 5 655

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What kind of mom would just discover a turkey in a cage in her home and not think to ask anyone about it before slaughtering it for dinner? I don't understand


"Also... Turkeys aren't dogs or cats. They're a symbolic creature meant to be eaten on thanksgiving." What? A symbolic creature meant to- I don't even. I think you missed the point, mate. Nobody said a turkey IS a dog/cat. They're saying that OP saved this animal, and invested care and attention in it - that's why it's like eating your pet. Don't be so literal.

OP YDI. Especially if you didn't leave a note and/or left the turkey in the kitchen. Next time, keep the cage in your room with a note near by.

Hmm a live turkey in a cage i know what to do. Seriously this is obviously fake.

Special_Psycho 8

The poor thing! :'( I hope that you cussed your mom out for doing that! >:(

adamjohnson 5

Should have called me I still got fall turkey tags. I'd have shot it for you

your life doesn't suck as much as the turkeys

Twisted_Angel 17

when she said no pets, she meant it. good thing you didn't bring home a stray dog. r.i.p Turkey... :(

Who cares? It's a turkey! Millions of people eat turkey and so should you! Turkeys good!

alexstylespayne 6