By Anonymous - 13/11/2012 23:17 - United States - Killington

Today, I found a wounded turkey in our backyard. I brought it inside, put it in a cage, and tended to its wounds. I then left. When I got back home, I smelled the wonderful aroma of my mother's cooking. She had prepared a turkey, the one I'd rescued. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 888
You deserved it 5 655

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What kind of mom would just discover a turkey in a cage in her home and not think to ask anyone about it before slaughtering it for dinner? I don't understand


Since I'm Canadian, technically it's too late!

Azellia 15

I don't believe you. Nope. Sounds fake.

My mom did that to a rabbit when I was a little girl. She said it was chicken stew. I never found the rabbit...

krs7g4 8

You city people are just ridiculous. I guess we should just let the animals get so thick that they get sick and spread disease and kill themselves off. Critters are for eating! If you all didn't eat the turkey the coyotes would have gotten it anyway. Turkeys are stupid and would never make a good pet.

"Critters are for eating!" You've made my day <3 I didn't realise anyone really talked like that xD

Why are so many assuming he would've kept the turkey as a pet? He only caged the turkey to tend to the wounds and to come back later and see if the turkey had healed well enough to be put back in the wild. What's heartbreaking is the mother killed (and cooked) a turkey her son wanted to save/rescue. On another note, his intention was to put the turkey out of its misery and that is what the mother did...