By Anonymous - 13/11/2012 23:17 - United States - Killington

Today, I found a wounded turkey in our backyard. I brought it inside, put it in a cage, and tended to its wounds. I then left. When I got back home, I smelled the wonderful aroma of my mother's cooking. She had prepared a turkey, the one I'd rescued. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 888
You deserved it 5 655

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What kind of mom would just discover a turkey in a cage in her home and not think to ask anyone about it before slaughtering it for dinner? I don't understand


23, OP doesn't care WHAT meat he's eating so much as WHOSE meat he's eating. That would be like eating your pet dog or cat, or your pet bird.

decidedlyvague 11

Deep fried turkey > ham... Also, it's a toss up between deep fried turkey and bacon. Maybe covering a deep fried turkey in bacon? Either way, animals are delicious. Also... Turkeys aren't dogs or cats. They're a symbolic creature meant to be eaten on thanksgiving.

LtBrenton 16

Also known as just another typical day in Vermont. :P

I'm confused, did it taste bad or something?

Trix_Disorder 20

Turkey's one of the leanest (read: healthiest) meats out there. Maybe you guys should consider eating it more often.

Good for OP's mom! Turkeys are mean, evil, creatures that can't even fly and will corner, attack, and peck the crap out of you when you are 4 years old and traumatized you for life so that you are scared to death of anything with feathers! True story... :(

Hilarious. Don't get all butt hurt over a turkey, its whats for dinner!

justonecomment 2

Don't eat it! Who knows what kinds of infectious diseases that bird could be carrying!

kittycat2007 18

It suck's op but don't waste the turkey. It would be more cruel if it died for no reason. Give its death meaning by giving something else the (you) nourishment.

Well.. Maybe that's why that wounded turkey was in the backyard in the first place? Maybe she left it there and intended to "finish the job" later?