By arghhh - 03/08/2009 02:40 - United States

Today, I finished my internship working in a government lab. I got paid $4000 for the summer. I was talking to my cousin, who said that when he worked as a carnie last summer he made $8000. I get paid half as much for doing research as a carnie does for serving people sno-cones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 751
You deserved it 5 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

birds_fml 7

So what? A carnie is never going to go anywhere, you've got experience that will get you a better job and you'll end up with more in the end than a carnie ever could.

be thankful that you even got paid for an internship!


You know what? people who work with food, work way harder, and deal with more peoples bullshit than someone who sits on their ass doing research. You're even lucky you got paid for an internship.

Yeah and that's why people go to school. I am so glad I do not work in that crap retail anymore where everyone assumes you just finished high school (or worse). They have no idea you might be going to med school next fall! Don't even try that crap "sitting on your ass" here. Idiot.

0 3

I thought the majority of internships are unpaid? $4000 is better than the intern's minimum wage ($0/hr).

letitbe56 0

I've had summer jobs that paid even less than that. But that was my choice because my goals were to have jobs in my field of interest, and to do something during the summer that would make a difference. If you need more money, you can always get a term-time job, or even get seasonal jobs during winter and spring vacations. But your experience in the lab is worth so much more than his experience at a carnival booth. Not only will it look great on a resume, but you probably made a few contacts and met some people who will help you in the future. Who did your cousin meet at the carnival? No one who's ever going to give him a job, that's for sure. You win this one, really.

UHH how is this an FML? YOu're getting experience that will get you in life further. STFU loser!

The point of an internship isn't to make money. It's to get experience.

Most people don't get money for an internship, and if they do, it's very little--be thankful!

The moral of the story: Next year be a carnie! Start working on your sideshow skills. You can stop waxing and be the Bearded Lady, start eating and be the Fat Lady, or if you want to make the HUGE bucks, learn to be the Sword Swallower! Lots and lots of boys and men will watch you do your act over and over!

how on earth did a carnie earn 8 grand in 1 summer?

The experience is well worth it! And to everyone else in the thread- who the heck takes an unpaid internship?? Must be a lot of liberal arts majors here. Hehehe.

can i please rewind to the 90's and simply say, "duh"? you were working for the government. i.e.: everyone made more money than did you last summer.