By thatonesilentkidinclass - 04/05/2013 08:11 - Philippines - San Juan

Today, I finally started exercising. I'm a rather obese person and I'm super pumped up to finally get off my lazy butt and lose some weight. Locking myself in my room, I first started with a very simple exercise: jumping jacks. I farted each time I jumped. I jumped 10 times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 709
You deserved it 12 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're going to be a huge hit at the gym. I can see it now...The Gasmaster.

dr_snow_bear 29

A small start is better than no start. Good luck!


good job for getting motivated, keep trying!!!

Keep at it OP, don't give up. If it is important to you to get in shape then a few farts isn't the end of the world

A small shart is better than no shart

I have bad knees. My gym has one of those bikes with the low seat to just peddle. That's great, and the eliptical isn't bad either. Treadmill is harder.

wysegirl 24

Good luck each little step helps.