By chuffberry - 19/04/2016 13:39 - United States - Raleigh

Today, I finally saw a dermatologist due to my unusually severe acne. Now I know I actually have a rare disorder that makes me allergic to my own acne. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 003
You deserved it 1 218

Same thing different taste

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And then the stress of of your allergic reaction causes more acne. It's a cruel vicious cycle.


It's almost like eating yourself in order to stay alive. Can't possibly be pleasant to have a self-loathing mug.

break the cycle with relaxation, meditation, herbal natural cures! you will soon feel better op, have faith and accept that you are learning something of this, humility, compassion, and especially letting go of worries and having are growing and becoming stronger through this experience op. hope you get well soon