By Live Sweet - 25/04/2013 05:33

Today, I finally hooked up with the guy that I have been in love with forever. If there is such a thing as soul mates, this guy is it. He's my best friend in the whole world. It was the worst sex I have ever had. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 624
You deserved it 14 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sex isn't everything! He'll get better, maybe it's his first time.

Everybody can learn, just be honest and work on it in a nice way. Its about creating good experiences :-) sex can always be improved if you talk! good luck!


K410 18

Don't be so bloody shallow omg... If you want sex hire somebody... In the end love is way more important.

Bet the guy would write "finally out of the friendzone! But I disappointed her in bed. FML."

If hooking up with a guy you have been in love with forever and that you are soulmates can be ruined by non perfect sex then you don't deserve him

It's not gonna be perfect the first time around!!!

I cant take anyone serious who makes claims of love while saying they hooked up with their soulmate. Just sounds too childish.

Try again....if it fails again...probally not gonna work out...been there, trust me its not gonna work

OP, he sounds perfect. If you don't want him, I'll take him; I'm not interested in sex so I wouldn't care. Don't dump because the sex is bad, like you said, he's a perfect match in every other way. You can both learn how to have better sex and improve. Finding someone with the right personality that you have chemistry with and can build a healthy relationship with is much harder.

guide him around. that's what I do with my best friend(boyfriend) :3

CaroAurelia 12