By stillkindahorny - 13/09/2011 05:51 - United States

Today, I finally had sex with the guy I've been seeing. It took him longer to put the condom on than it did to finish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 795
You deserved it 4 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sabraynay 10

He was probably making sure the condom was on properly. Better to be safe than sorry!

leadman1989 15

In the defense of stupid men everywhere... They can be pretty slippery.


lezzy251 0

I know your pain. I was there once too.

perdix 29

So, would you say the long-awaited sex with him was . . . *** lowers sunglasses *** anti-climactic?

katie519tx 0

sounds like my ex! his name isn't Ricky is it? bahahahahaha!

Hey those things are tricky guys always have problems but girls are naturally good at it you shoulda put it on

jewelsfml 0

if you're having sex with him you should feel something close to love for him and so it shouldn't matter how long he lasts! dick

What is with all of these FMLs complaining about guys in bed? Just be grateful that somebody wants to sleep with you in the first place.

Chances are it will only get better as he gains experience with you. Also, tell him there are many, many, many ways for him to satisfy you if he comes before you. If you don't know any of them yourself, read up.