By lovesucks - 01/09/2009 12:52 - Australia

Today, I finally got the courage to go up and ask out the girl I have loved for a couple of months now. After she said yes, I was over the moon and ran home to tell my roommate. The next day, I saw her making out with another man. When I confronted her, she said "Oh, you were serious yesterday?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 095
You deserved it 4 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There are lots of revenge techniques. Say she tells you she's afraid of spiders. Put a box of them on her porch with her name on it, and a letter inside saying, "Oh, you were serious when you said that?"

generalsmith2 0

he ran home to tell his roomate. haha


I agree; just because you ask someone out doesn't mean she's not allowed to date other people. That's a whole other conversation, usually at least a month or several down the road. Not an up-front assumption. In fact, she was probably dating that other dude first, but was impressed enough with you to give you a chance, too. Relax a little, peach, and you won't scare the next girl you've "loved for a couple of months now" into canceling your date because you've frightened them with your insecurity. In fact, it might not be too late for you to go apologize right now for overreacting and flipping out on this girl. UYL: UnF Your Life. Welcome.

You should have said, "Damn right!" and flashed her right then and there.

I'm so sick of everyone declaring that they're "in love" with someone that they've never even been on a date with. No, you're not.

machete_fml 0

oh, so you're saying that you can't get to know people without dating them? I'm sick of people dating someone and then realising they don't like them at all

I guess yours and my definition of "being in love" is significantly different. Personally, I have "[gotten] to know" plenty of people that I am not in love with. I'm not sure what "knowing" someone has to do with anything. My point is that knowing someone as a friend and romantically dating him/her are two very different things and just because you know and like someone as a friend and are absolutely infatuated with them does not mean you are in love. You can't truly know what someone is like as a romantic partner (and being "in love" goes hand-in-hand with that) until you actually date them.

machete_fml 0

BiATCH second thought: BIATCH and you were kinda weak.

youaresofucked 0
freddie_fml 0

...why would you confront her? You asked her on a date, you didn't ask her to marry you. She's entitled to make out with whomever she wants until she's in a committed relationship with someone. You sound like a real loser.

noshitsherlock 0

SO TRUE. FML went from refreshing and entertaining to.... losers anonymous.

Sorry, YDI for thinking you're in love with someone you don't even really know and haven't dated yet.

Jonathan33 0

hahahaha really... over the ******* moon?? I have never heard anyone say something like that. EVER! but yea maybe the way you said it was what got u. unless ur unattractive or something good day...

noshitsherlock 0
Jonathan33 0

but hey it ain't as bad as the guy dating a girl online for a year only to find out his digi-girlfriend was a questionably gay 14 year old boy. NOW THAT CLASSIC!