By lezbplove - 19/03/2011 05:26 - Canada

Today, I finally decided to tell my parents I was a lesbian. They spent the next few hours reading me the bible. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 557
You deserved it 22 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm so sorry OP. I want to comment before the comments get shut off since moderators seem much more sensitive these days and I know that this is going to turn into a religious debate. I was raised Mormon and have a gay friend that was raised Mormon with me. They tried sending him to therapy, he tried praying it away etc. etc. He is now with his boyfriend. Stay true to yourself and your nature. Don't let a 2000 year old book, translated through multiple languages, with ridiculous messages get you down. You need to be happy with who you are :)

don't let people judge you! just be yourself no matter what people say or do.


TayonaC 10

at least they didn't put holy water on you yelling " the power of Christ compels you!"

lol and i thought getting the birds and bees talk 7 times was bad

Parents are stupid when they don't when they say its just a phase. They'll come around.

Nastysack69 0

gay ppl are the devil Bobby!!! - the waterboy.

Gondile 4

Haha I know right? Bring on the lesbions!

that's really mean,OP,I'm sorry. but even if you're angry, give them another chance. maybe they just need some time to calm down and to get used to it. after all, they are your parents and possibly just want the best for you. just don't let them get you down, you can be proud of who you are and that you were brave enough to tell them :) !

romanceaser 0

sorry guys but homosexual love is not pure love. it's pure and disgusting lust. love is nowhere to be found there.

Wow,homophobes....... Sorry bout that :P

RyanX92 0

4 don't forget the book was written 200 years after the guys death well new testoment