By Anonymous - 17/12/2009 07:25 - United States

Today, I felt like too much of a loser to go to a Christmas party, since I'd be the only one going without a date. I had to invent imaginary friends who were "coming into town for the holidays" to feel like less of a loser. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 423
You deserved it 9 860

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People still think they need dates to go to parties? What happened to meeting people AT the party?

lotusflower007 0

oh honey, that's how you meet people. If your the only one, then that's okay. It's okay to be single. You can then network with all those people. The best way to meet people is through mutual friends.


Get over the fact you;re single at a party... geeze just go there and have fun

Why does being single make one a loser? Geez, at least you were invited. It's not like people are going to ignore you because you don't have a date.

schwinn11 0

To bad we don't live closer together, I would've went to the party with you. I love desperate, lonely girls! They're always the most willing to please a man.

revolution101 0

**** u people who r on fmylife.

Why oh why would you ever need a date to go to a party??? Parties ARE for hooking up, if you're single then!! 8D (Or at least, for having fun regardless of being with someone or not. You don't NEED a partner for that.) Not going to the party because you're single is the only thing making you a loser in this story.

Moemoemoe is being silly, it's the magical christmas date fairy that brings you a date and tons of friends and all the parties you want. FYL if you haven't been visited, but cheer up OP I'm sure the magical christmas date fairy will bring you a date this year! Or not.

Dixie_Normous 0

Well you are a loser because you would rather go out of your way to make up an excuse to not go to a party. So yea, YDI

there there... don't feel bad... loser ; )

tommy666 0

YDI for being a loser. Nuff said.

akotus 0

It's actually more fun at parties where your single because your more free and you have that chance to meet that perfect girl that you never get to see at school cause she gets the afternoon shift, and you have the morning, and you can also feel free to talk to the girls without your gf being omg don't cheat on me!

YDI. A good way to stay lonely (and single and friendless) is to continue NOT meeting people. What a plan.