By lol - 05/12/2011 06:13 - United States

Today, I farted in front of my husband for the first time in 26 years. He told our kids over email, and now they won't shut up about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 519
You deserved it 9 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AsianCookie247 14

You Are just now farting in front of him? ...

sariannacanna 6

How did you survive for 26 years and never farting in front of him?!? Thats some extreme control *claps and nods* lol


Not the first.....everyone farts in their sleep. My boyfriend is mortified every time he does it but it's involuntary. No biggie.

I want to say kudos, but at the same time, why do you seem to care? Humans fart, get over it. Plus, I'm betting your husband doesn't care, and is even happy to see you do something gross.

Are you kidding? I was ripping off in front of my husband on our second date! How can you be comfortable with someone that youre afraid to fart in front of them?

SexyMexi21 23

It's not a real relationship if you never darted in front of each other.

You haven't trusted your husband enough to fart in front of him in 26 years?!!! Sweetie, start letting them rip!

Wow I started farting in front of my fiancé after a year of dating. If I'm going to spend my life with someone I'm not going to spend most my life holding in a fart. Good for you OP keep up the flatulence.

Girls don't fart. This is a fake FML post

What kind of relationship did you have where you can't even trust each other with something that natural?

it took you 26 years? nice. my boyfriend of about almost 8 months and I fart in front of each other all the time. we even have farting competitions sometimes. we also have an inside joke cuz once I had to climb over him to get in my bed, and he wouldn't let me move, so I was like "I'm gonna fart on you" and he let me go and was like "no you won't!" and I was like "are you sure?" and he was like "I'm positive about it" so I just turned away from him so my butt was facing him, and I let one rip. it was truly hilarious, and we still joke about it.