By Anonymous - 16/06/2009 11:10 - United States

Today, I facebooked my friends about my upcoming birthday party, and told them to keep the date free. I got several responses telling me that's not possible, because that's the day the new Harry Potter movie comes out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 149
You deserved it 30 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

caffieneminx 0

I would honestly have to agree. Opening night of Harry Potter matches no other.

pshh who wouldn't go watch Harry Potter instead *light bulb goes on in head* maybe you can have your birthday party at the movie theater!


its true, you can't be having parties on opening night of Harry Potter. dumbass.

I'm sorry, but they have a good reason

iceis 0

Neville is a BAMF, wtf are you talking about? He friggin' cut off a snake's head with a sword!

effmylifexx 0

come on.....who are they gonna chose? you, or a wizard?

prttyyngthng 0

Dude, you totally got pwned by a wizard. But it's ok; at least it was Harry. I mean, it COULD have been Neville. Now THAT would have been embarrassing...

That movie comes out on my birthday as well, But I'm going TO it with my friends. =P

TKA_fml 0

You be clever and somehow integrate the movie into your celebration, no?

I wouldn't miss Harry Potter either xD change the party to a different date? not that difficult

turtlellama 0

#139 has a good idea. #147 I agree XDD