By Anonymous - 04/11/2009 21:42 - United States

Today, I drove three and a half hours to surprise my long distance boyfriend for our anniversary. He was out of town. Where was he? Three and a half hours away trying to surprise me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 613
You deserved it 8 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WTFpancakes 0

Well at least you both had your hearts in the right place!


awwww! that's super sweet :):):) u both had ur hearts in the right place. what more can u ask for?! at least, ur at the point u both somewhat think a like. not easy to come by. i woulda laughed and given him the best "lei" of his life! ;) definitely not a FML!!

dont_u_know_it 0

Hey, look at it this way... at least you didn't drive there to catch him cheating on you! And, I'm sure you could have both met each other half way after that... But that does suck. I'm sorry.

definitely not an fml! :L its just too cute!!

If that doesn't say "made for each other", then I don't what does. *win!*

Yeah, I'm sure it was disappointing, but 3.5 hours is not *that* much to drive. Hopefully you still saw each other and as everyone has said, at least he remembered and was trying to do something really sweet and special for you. Unfortunate yes, in that you missed some time with him and wasted some gas, but still... not really f***ed.

oh! that's soo cute:) You to must love each other veary much! RI

bugmenotmofo 34

Woman, don't be sad that you missed each other, be glad your boyfriend loves you as much as you love him.

FYL for the failed surprise, and congrats with ur ossumness and the ossumness of your boyfriend!! :D