By Mandoune - 07/11/2008 14:18 - Finland

Today, I dropped my keys in the drain. Thankfully, my new flat mate generously offered his help to reach the keys via flower pot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 318
You deserved it 4 572

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm a bit confused too. But according to urbandictionary, "flower pot" means "When you soil/shart you underwear, then remove the underwear and put them on someones head." Maybe the person who posted the fml meant soiled underwear? Even then its a bit confusing...unless the flatmate had sh*t themselves and came out in their underwear to help.

silvereye12 7

sarcasm is a foreign language to you, isn't it?


trisarahtops 0
leadninja 0

retards... you put the flower pot on a string, lower it down and use it to grab the keys and bring them up. see?

G_thelegend 0

ur the retard! if a flower pot could fit through the drain theyd be able to reach it with a hand... duh

silvereye12 7

sarcasm is a foreign language to you, isn't it?

burtonboard97 0

you should be more specific. I really dont understand how you could be helped with a flower pot. This should not have been posted.

lmao i don't get it either but some of the comments on here are funny :) a mental image of someone trying to shove a flower pot down the drain.

huh? Even the explanations don't make any sense to me...

rainbowbob 0

I think this person is trying to say that he is a complete idiot and has no clue what he is talking about, I hate stupid people.

xMooMoox 0

Lol at # 20! #18 If she can't fit her hand in the drain how is she going to fit a god damn flower pot? And depending on the size how do you put a flower pot on a string! I for one think you are the retard! Go drop your keys down a drain and see if this works out for you.

utinaeniduin 0

#18 i want you to know that i for one get and appreciate your humor in the matter of this ridiculous fml post. #25 take a chill pill and start going to your high school english class more often.