By maddie - 06/11/2013 05:06 - United States - Austin

Today, I discovered that the guy I've been seeing is a firm supporter of the Westboro Baptist Church. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 364
You deserved it 7 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone here will tell you to dump him now. Do NOT dump him. Those people are a special kind of insane, and you have a unique opportunity to find out why. And then you can sabotage the shit out of them.

Time to ditch him. You don't want him picketing anywhere ya!


Shit I read that wrong what you meant was your ex is a supporter of the worst people on the planet right ??

So what? if you like him and feel well with him why does it matter who he supports.

... I think it matters if he supports a hate group. They use the word church but are nothing more than a group of people dedicated to spreading hatred. I believe they've been banned from Canada.

Yeah... no. That's like saying, "Well, I know he supports stoning gay people and black people and that women belong pregnant and in the kitchen, but I LOVE him!" Standing beside someone who has such awful beliefs is pretty much like verbally saying you support what they support when it's something THAT awful. This isn't a case of a belief in God vs athiesm or a meat-eater vs a vegetarian. This is about a 'church' that supports the denial of human rights to people they don't like.

Seriously, end it now! People with such extreme views are usually incapable of changing them. Your relationship would most likely end due to that fact so cut your losses now. That's what happened in my first marriage, she was a staunch conservative and I am a very liberal and our beliefs were such extreme opposites that it contributed to the dissolution of our relationship.

Tell him you met and fell in love with one of the Freedom Riders' members and ditch his sorry ass!

yerbduebeenehe 16

You had me chuckling, OP. I know a few things about them, but could never sit through one video or interview because I was just that disgusted by their actions. THANKFULLY there's that one guy across the street from the church who painted his house and car rainbow. I'd go to his house any day!

ArchCypher 3

You might want to take a shower so you can get the stench of asshole off you.

or you could stop being a stuck up bitch and let him do what's right. that church has many good beliefs.

ya sorry.. u need to get rid of him....