By maddie - 06/11/2013 05:06 - United States - Austin

Today, I discovered that the guy I've been seeing is a firm supporter of the Westboro Baptist Church. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 364
You deserved it 7 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone here will tell you to dump him now. Do NOT dump him. Those people are a special kind of insane, and you have a unique opportunity to find out why. And then you can sabotage the shit out of them.

Time to ditch him. You don't want him picketing anywhere ya!


revvy38 4

Better get out while the gettin' is good! You will be sorry!

bella_bunz0415 10

Trick him to dumb you so you don't get a stalker in your hands

Did he say didn't you know that when you found out? End it before it's too late those people are wacky...

Tell him you can't be with him anymore because you've done some thinking and decided you're gay.

2_Fn_funny 6

dump his antisupport jack ass excuse for a human. God Bless the USA!

I guess I'm out of the loop on this one.....what's that?

it's basically a hate group against gays...

Time to dump his A** !!! They are the most bigoted and hypocritical people I have ever seen.

I see you used the term 'been'. I hope it was a prompt kick to the curb... or nuts. Both work.

emmydafox 16

OP, It's advised you run. The WBC are dangerous, and unstable people. Be very cautious should you choose to further communicate with this man.

I would be torn between beating the shit out of him and not wanting to put my hands on that filth at the same time. I'm not sure where he would end up.

There's a solution where ya can bash him and not get anything on your hands. Wear gloves ^^