By talker - 14/11/2012 06:14 - United States - Middletown

Today, I discovered both how much I really talk to myself when I'm drinking alone and how thin the walls of my apartment are. I heard my own slurred voice coming from my neighbor's apartment. They had recorded me and made a mixtape of some of the more interesting things I had said. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 542
You deserved it 23 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really hope that mixtape winds up on YouTube so we can all hear it...also getting drunk by yourself a lot often leads to alcoholism OP, so watch out

"Ahhhh and I fuckinggg.... I.... I.... I ******* love ma neighbors. You know what? Imma give them $1,000 dollars tomorrow!" No wonder the neighbors are recording this stuff.


Ins0mau 20

It can easily LEAD to alcoholism. But it's not a SIGN of alcoholism.

lksdliz 9

I want to be friends with your neighbors, they sound like fun!

tsent8 15

Buy a 24 one day, knock on their door, and tell them if they find you so damn entertaining then you may as well join them and make a IN-HOUSE REMIX.

You must drink a lot, considering the fact that they saw it as a normal enough thing to plan to record you.

Record the sounds of them *******, and offer a trade. Two can play at that game!

you live in California ? is your name jack tripper ? does your neighbor Mr. Furley think your having drunk sex with Chrissy and Janet ? does your neighbor encourage you to drink because he needs to know the outcome of this weeks episode ?

Tell us some of those "interesting " things.