By mee - 08/09/2012 22:39 - United States

Today, I discovered a large and somewhat disturbing whitehead inside my ear crevice. Apparently it's been there for a while, because everyone at work has nicknamed it Hugo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 977
You deserved it 3 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tne201992 12

I wonder why they named it Hugo? Of all names!

I had a zit in my ear once. Those things are painful, I don't know how you didn't notice it XD


amandajlucas2015 2

That's gross.. I think I barfed a little

Ewwwww you get those when you wear earphones for too long and don't clean them.

so I'm going to take a gues and say you don't clean your ears much...

Oh I'd love to get my hands on that,the round end of a safety pin,some pressure and there we go,all gone

Until your ear gets clogged and needs to be flushed out (happens to my boyfriend all the time)

Ear pimples are extremely painful... I would have thought you could have felt it before people started naming it...

Dayzha 0

Just wait, next they will begin building a colony.... The Hugonians will spread...

lol im sorry thats too funny , but it does suck check often