By Eyebrowsgone - 25/08/2010 13:10 - United States

Today, I decided to wax my own eyebrows with a Do It Yourself kit from the pharmacy. I'm now missing half of my right eyebrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 426
You deserved it 42 079

Same thing different taste

Top comments


francoc14 0
linx468 8

YDI for djdenakxmeoowodfkkwkejsndnfnfnfnfnfndndndndndndndndndnfuckjsjddnndndnddndn FIND THE HIDDEN WORD :D :D : D

LaurenEllee 0

ydi shoulda got it done by a professional

kshizzlekt 0

have someone do them for you.......or go get them professionally done

You're blonde right? I doubt anyone will notice

I'm no stranger to eyebrow mishaps! Don't worry OP, they'll grow back soon enough. Next time I'd recommend either plucking them instead (you have more control over what shape you want) or (if you have enough money) go to a professional. You don't have to get them done professionally every time, but doing so the first time allows you to have a guideline of where to pluck the stray hairs that grow in.

Schizomaniac 24

I think that "one day" will come very soon.

#109 I know, right? :P I need a little more time to perfect that online taser.