By BearMan - 09/02/2009 22:00 - United States

Today, I decided to come out to a co-worker. She looked at me, then laughed, and said, "You can't be gay, you're fat!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 069
You deserved it 4 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

beililee 0

omg. that's horrible. I hope you responded with "and you can't be straight. you're skinny." (if she was a skinny bitch that is)

itsucktobeme 0

That is so terrible... I hope that you said something to that mean bitch. But on another note Good for you for coming out!!!!


That co-worker must be reeeeaaally sheltered... she must get her image of gay people from the television. Tell her to come up here to Boystown in Chicago and tell all the big gay guys down on Halstead that they must be secretly straight because they're fat and see how quickly she gets bitch-slapped.

go show that bitchwhos gay, bearman!!

YakuzaxGeneralz 9
rzbt21 0

I don't mean to be rude, or threatening, but you deserve to live in poverty for 400 years, AND... I will cut you.

tantrum4pres 0
HemptressMedea 0

You should've said " aww! and you're too ugly for me to care what you think!"

swimmer911 0

no. you need to find yourself some help. what you're doing is wrong.

zco101 1

excuse me but the gay guy from modern family is pretty chubby. and on of the best characters too