By . - 16/10/2013 21:05 - United States

Today, I convinced my father that "Juanito", our relative who needed money for immediate surgery in Mexico was a stranger attempting to scam him. I was $1400 too late. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 365
You deserved it 4 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless you actually have Mexican relatives, why would he believe it in the first place? Common sense seems to go out the window when someone says, "give me money I need surgery"


sims_addict16 19

That sucks, OP. :/ one of my family members fell for something like that, he's still convinced she's coming to live with him and we're lying about it being a scam...

My elderly Aunt and Uncle, who are or were intelligent and educated people just did the same thing. My cousin caught them going for anther $3k.

People actually fall for that stuff? You must have gotten your brains from your mother.

I am assuming you do have family in Mexico. If your family is anything like mine, it's really hard at keep taps on that many people, specially since we have 3 Juan and like 5 Jose. Your dad was just trying to do a good thing, idk.

I think proof of family identity would work better...hope he learned though...

OMG !! i'm really glad that our con artist are internationalizing !! .... not

How many Mexicans does it take to scam your family? Just Juan! xD

Oh I feel bad people get sucked into that all the time especially the elderly it's no good

Don't be too mad at him obviously he's a generous man, very gullible, but generous.

LordAres_fml 9

Hope the surgery goes well for your relative.