By blank - 21/07/2010 13:52 - United States

Today, I came home to my boyfriend wearing one of my pads on his hand, because he didn't want to pay to go to the hospital for stitches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 341
You deserved it 4 121

Same thing different taste


Lol, my lil brother has done that because he couldn't find a bandaidd

SuperNinjaa 0

xD the many uses of a female pad/tampon lmfao

hahahaha wow. I actually like his way of thinking my brother asked me one time why I had a period and if he will ever get one!!! haha

113, I don't want to know how you know that.

Captain, is this another one of your friends with benefits?

Shit. I've got a knack for that, eh?

Yeah, I'm furious. If I ever run into you, you're dead.

BLAST! foiled again. Damn you, now I have to devise some other complicated plan...

That's okay. So do you. I gave you one you didn't have.

I haven't tasted human lately so I'm not sure haha

wow, i didn't know guys got periods on their hands!