By blank - 21/07/2010 13:52 - United States

Today, I came home to my boyfriend wearing one of my pads on his hand, because he didn't want to pay to go to the hospital for stitches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 341
You deserved it 4 121

Same thing different taste


dont_be_that_guy_fml 0

While it won't stop him having to go for stitches, if the cut is bad enough he will still need them, it was a good idea to use a pad to absorb the blood, It's sterile and very absorbent. I don't get what OPs problem is with it.... unless it was the last one and she really needed it....

tyler_420 0
AssassinV2 0

YDI for not living in Canada with free health care! :)

lol it is. well mine was. got my stitches for free.

Free. Ha! You obviously haven't learned about taxes.

Are you the idiot? Free healthcare in canada means you get hurt, you go in and come back out fixed up for free. Just cuz your American you don't believe so. Thats why im proud to be Canadian

142, I'm Canadian. I agree with iicaptain. I also am going to tell you that you're wrong. Hooray for uneducated Canadians!

But... but... I already bought them! D:

It's only once a month. WAIT! I AM NOT PMSING! HOW DARE YOU! GAHHHHH!!! *breaks stuff*

yeah... bandaging isn't the same as getting stitches...

FHL for having a whiny girlfriend. Learn to share, its just a pad. Be lucky you have such an innovative boyfriend :P

sallen0046 4

Um, yeah. **** your boyfriend's life for having a girlfriend who runs to the internet to complain about a pad instead of helping him find something to close the bleeding wound. You would prefer he used a disgusting, dirty cloth full of germs and got an infection instead of having the bright idea to use an item that is not only sterile, but designed to contain blood?

Actually, if you think about it, since pads are contained in a wrapper until use, they are sterile. They are like a bandage, and are not disgusting and full of germs until after use. Why would women all around the world put an unsterilized wad of absorbent cloth near their vaginas? It's clearly safe to use if women everywhere are using them.

#123 You're right, pads are definitely sterile. It's not like they're soiled when they're straight from the package. :P

I think that was 119's point-- using a pad is better than a cleaning rag or something because it's sterile.