By Anonymous - 29/04/2009 23:12 - Canada

Today, I came home from work and went to open the door. I Iooked through the window and saw a man in my house. Terrified, I called the police. They came, searched the house, and found nothing missing. I went back inside and looked through the window and saw him again. It was my reflection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 521
You deserved it 79 354

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol! I can't believe you messed up that badly. :)

haha I hope you were either high or really tired.


maliboozer1 3

You are the reason McDonalds has to put warning labels on their coffee cups. And to think I used to believe in intelligent design.

ohsnapitsmoses 0

another reason stupid people shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.

Also, lol @ all the internet tough guys who think a break-in would be the perfect opportunity to use everything they've learned from watching krav maga videos on youtube. Enjoy your gunshot wounds.

Kristoffer 35

YDI for not knowing your own reflection - and for being a MAN afraid of a MAN his own size. You're lucky they didn't take you in for filing a false report ya big wuss.

Go check your brain... You might be mentally challenged lol

Siampire 0

... -giggles a little- Ah... oh, my, that's... a little... depressing. Well, at least you noticed after the police left. If you noticed while they were there, you might start acting suspicious!

poolshark 0

If I was one of the cops, I would have slapped my invisible handcuffs on you... Then I'd have told you that you were free to go as soon as you could figure out how to get them off.