By crippy - 26/06/2012 05:01 - United States

Today, I came home from a knee surgery. I asked my mother to get me a glass of water. She replied, "You can get it, you're not crippled. Oh wait, yeah you are" and laughed hysterically. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 990
You deserved it 3 065

Same thing different taste


You should run like hell away from that crazy, retarded mother of yours. Oh wait...

That wasn't even remotely funny. Srry OP.

pammievb 2

*Alarms go off* BITCH ALERT ! BITCH ALERT!

Am I the only one who thought of that family guy where Joe is face first on the floor and says "Don't help me, I need to retain my independence."

Let's talk to her "you gave birth to cripple!"

Don't take things so seriously -_- that's not an FML that's funny.

Get over yourself. It's a joke, thus, laughter reigned throughout the land. If you can't deal with a simple joke, then I'm afraid your life is going to be riddled with "horrible" events. So, to you I say good luck.

If you were in his shoes, you'd be crying FML.

Not really. I have a unknown pain disorder and there are days I can't walk. And yes, those close to me joke about it. I need understanding. Not to be surrounded in pity. Jokes help me get through the tough times.